
APUC Framework

We are pleased to announce that we have been appointed to the Advanced Procurement for Universities & Colleges framework agreement. This is a procurement organisation for the education sector in Scotland available to Schools, Colleges and Universities.

University of Liverpool

Currently, we are working for the University of Liverpool in which we have enjoyed a working relationship for over 30 years. Each year we are commissioned to survey 20% of their total estates. We are pleased with the continuing progress made and successfully on target for completion. It is always a pleasure to provide our professional services in order to help and support the University with their long term maintenance plan.

NEPRO Accreditation

The firm is pleased to announce that we have been accredited to the North East Procurement Organisation NEPRO neutral vendor solution. They procure professional services on behalf of the UK public sector in an efficient, controlled and compliant way.

Details of the service for Public Sector Purchasers are available from their website: NEPRO.
